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Day 6 of 24 (2021)

Today's passage: Luke 6
Today's focus: vs. 46-49
Author: Pastor Sam

Yesterday at our Table (smallgroups) we asked whether or not a subject/servant of the king can disobey an order. If the king gives a command, can the servant say, "Sorry, find someone else. I'm busy"? Today's passage sheds light on this matter. 

It is perplexing in the mind of Christ that a subject would call Him "Lord" (or "Master") and does not do what He commands. Jesus' expectation is clear. A true Christian is one who comes to Christ, hears His Word, and will will do it. It offends the Christ so much that He asks, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and do not do what I tell you?" 

Come to Jesus
In those days, they literally went to where Jesus was because they wanted to hear His message. Today, one of the closest way to "come to Jesus" would be to attend the church. No, coming to church does not mean salvation nor does it make you a Christian. On the other hand, there was not one person who claimed to be a disciple yet did not show up when Jesus preached. If the Word of Jesus preached and read aloud in your church, then Jesus continues to preach to us today. There is no such thing as a churchless disciple. Don't be the one who only shows up for Christmas/Easter. 

Hearing Jesus
There's more to hearing than just auditory senses. How many times have you talked to someone who is scrolling on their phone and their only interaction with you is a monotonous, "uh-huh." In frustration you may ask, "Did you hear what I said?!" How many times do we show up to church and tune the pastor/teachers out? Some may view it as the boring flight attendant and start scrolling on their phones or pop in their earbuds. Come with a heart to listen. Take notes. Allow it to convict you, comfort you, and give you joy. Reflect on it and compare yourself to the passage. Share/ask questions with your Table (smallgroup). 

Obeying Jesus
Jesus question is one full of disappointment. There were those who profess as "disciples" who regularly show up, listen/nod/agree, but are disobedient. Bluntly asked it would be, "What's the point of being a 'disciple' then?" A true disciple of Jesus takes action in implementing His commands. A "disciple" of Jesus who does not he really a disciple? 

Jesus' illustration of the strong and weak foundation teaches us that there is no middle ground. We either hear His Word and obey, or we disobey. There are many things in life that are morally gray areas-- this is not one of them. The disciples of Jesus will obey. 

A true disciple of Jesus will experience troubles in this life but will remain standing because he has heard the Word of Jesus and does them. They will still feel the floodwaters testing them, but they will not be broken by it. 
