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Day 5 of 24 (2021)

Day 5 of 24

Today's passage: Luke 5

Today's focus: vs. 1-11

Author: Wing Lau

In this chapter of Luke, the scene begins with the fishermen washing their nets.  I’m not much of a fisherman.  I do enjoy fishing but honestly I’m no good at it, not at all.  It’s that joy of a catch though that brought our family together this summer.  We went out to the unpolluted shores of Keaton Beach and shared in this endeavor together.   It’s the hope and anticipation of a catch that brings purpose to this activity.  During that trip, there would come a time each day where we knew nothing more was going to happen and that’s when we would decide to wash the nets.

As we turn our attention back to that scene again in Luke 5, the fishermen were washing their nets because they had lost hope of catching anything.  As Simon puts it in verse 5, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing!”  They had done what they can and have seen no results.  When’s the last time you felt the same way?  This passage reminded me of the season I’ve been going through, a season where I’ve been “washing my net”, a season where I’ve given up.  I’ve given up on the hope that the individuals closest to me would ever embrace the gospel and find salvation in Christ Jesus.  In reality, it’s not the lost who I’ve given up on but it’s God who I’ve really given up on.  Luke 5:8 – “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”

When Jesus got into Simon’s boat and asked him to “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch”, Simon was hesitant and didn’t believe the results would be any different.  After all, he had already tried for a very long time.  He had done everything he knew how to do.  So why would it be any different?  If you find yourself in the same boat, feeling like you’ve shared the gospel with the same people for a very long time with no results, be reminded as I have been that with Jesus nothing is impossible.   Despite the skepticism, Simon Peter obeyed and to his surprise the catch was so great that the nets were breaking.  My hope is that you’ll do the same.  That in times where you feel like it’s appropriate to “wash your nets”, you’ll be reminded not to do so just yet and to continue trusting in God’s power to change hearts.   Luke 5:10 – “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”

Were you encouraged by today's passage or the devotional? What stood out to you as you read the chapter and devotional? What did the author say that resonated with you? Please leave a comment below to encourage other readers too! 


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