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Day 20 of 24 (2021)

 Today's passage: Luke 20

Today's focus: vs 9-18

Author: [pulled from 2020 devotional archives]

God sends prophets, and the people kill the prophets because they did not like the warning and passage. God calls the nations to repent and turn from evil. People do not like that. God does the unimaginable and sends His Son. We see that they also kill Him. 

This parable warns us of what will happen: "He will come and destroy those tenants..." He switches analogy and uses one of construction-- "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." A cornerstone is designed to keep the building straight. If all the blocks line up with the cornerstone, the building will be aligned. When the builders throw out a cornerstone, the whole building is crooked and unstable. 

When we reject Christ and throw Him out, our lives, family, society... begins to fall apart. But so much more than that is the warning that our salvation falls apart. When we reject Christ there is no salvation, and thus, no hope for eternal life. This is why Jesus says that everyone who trips on Christ will be broken. And Christ will come and crush those who have rejected Him. Psalm 2:12 teaches us: 

Kiss the Son,

lest he be angry, and you perish in the way,

for his wrath is quickly kindled.

Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
