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5 Loaves and 2 Fish

 It has been such a crazy past two weeks, but God's grace abounds. It was full of interviews (for Rachel), church members getting ill or getting hurt, my friend's dad passing away, Family Day at church, vaccinations, ... and Rachel accepting a job offer! On the day she signed on, Theo runs into the kitchen with toys in his hands. We have probably 50 different wooden food blocks, but he chose... well.. here's the pic:

Coincidence? Eh... it's too precise. Any mathematicians out there up for a little problem to solve? What's the probability that out of 50 different objects, he picks this exact combination of a bread and fish? 

We gasped and praised God for a reminder that truly He does provide when it seems impossible sometimes.

...but the gratitude was unsatisfying. Is that the point of the Bread and Fish? To applaud that God provides? It caused me to go and read up on the narrative of the event. It is one of the miracles that is so significant it's recorded in all four Gospels. For today, let's examine John 6:1-15.

The end of it hit me in the gut. The people were stunned, amazed, and shouted that Jesus is the prophet who was to come into the world! 

Jesus has their full attention. He's got center stage and the lights are on Him. He has the influence, the platform, the miracle... the perfect time to drop a campaign motto. "Taste Freedom." Maybe?

The leftist Christians believe that Jesus came into the world to care for the hungry, the poor, and the sick. They believe He came to liberate them from oppression and poverty-- to equalize society. He could have said, "The greed of Rome left you hungry. King Me and I will make sure you never grow hungry again!" 

The conservative Christians tend to swing with the Prosperity "Gospel." Here's the perfect time to point out how He will give them what they need, and more than what they need! They just have to give Jesus their "5 loaves and 2 fish" and He will multiply it! (yes. i've heard that sermon before, unfortunately). 

With the energy building on this hillside, what was Jesus' response? What's His campaign line?

"Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself." (vs 15). 

Strange response. Can you imagine someone being nominated for Presidency and running away as the news media turn their camera towards him? 

They were about to make Jesus king. Right or Left, He already had their "vote." But He didn't want it. What more could He have wanted? Why run and hide? Isn't this the best opportunity to have people believe?!?!?

Is that the faith and belief that Jesus wants? A shallow belief in Him and praise to Him because He makes our lives better

Many stop reading the story after vs 15. The story doesn't end there though. It picks up again in verse 22-59

I'll go let you read up on it. Where the story of the Bread and Fish is taught, the follow-up story MUST be taught alongside it as well or we are merely left with a terrible understanding of the personhood of Jesus and His mission on earth. 

Hint: It's more than just about hungry people needing a lunch. 
