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Family Devotions Dry?

I hear this quite often:

Dear Pastor Sam,
We tried implementing family devotions. It started off well! But as the weeks went on, my kids became less interested. Since they weren't engaging, it has made it difficult for me to prepare and to be honest, I'm not super excited. It has just become a thing we schedule out of our week to do. We are all physically there, but mentally checked out. It feels like I'm the only one that still desires to do it, but that desire is quickly fading. Help?

Does that sound like you? If so, let me encourage you by saying that this is a struggle for many Christian homes. What is working against you?
  1. Unbelievers. This is a difficult one. The desire and longing for God and His Word is not going to be beating from a heart that is dead. Asking your family to be excited about God's Word is like asking a dead person to breathe deep and smell the sweet aroma of Spring air. 
  2. Satan. Think about what is at stake for the Enemy! Strong Christian homes build strong churches. Do you think Satan is going to passively sit by as "iron sharpens iron"? Do you think he will just let you freely disciple your children and family to walk as Jesus did? Fat chance. 
  3. Weird. It's strange for a child to sit down in the home and "have Sunday School lessons" when they're not at church. It does require some getting use to, so don't be too discouraged just yet. Patiently give it some time. Habits take a while to build before it feels natural. Or, perhaps the format is like school. Which brings us to another point...
  4. Age. This is going to require wisdom on your end. Is your child at an age where he/she can sit and discuss? 
Maybe our approach to family devotion needs to be re-examined:
  1. Who's talking? Is this a one-way lecture? Kids/Teens have mastered the art of faking interest while being completely checked out. They sit in classrooms where the bulk of it is the teacher "rambling." Are you giving them opportunities to share?
  2. Difficulty Level? This will require your wisdom. Is it too complicated/complex or too abstract of an idea? Or, is it actually too simple? 
  3. Excited? Before we expect others to be excited about it, are you excited? 
  4. Again? Is it the same thing.... again? Same format. Same spot. Same prayers. Are they able to predict what devos are going to be like?
  5. Time? Is it being held too late in the evening where they are already tired? Is it dragging for too long? 
Most people are quick to assume it's just the curriculum that is "boring" and not consider that it is the method that needs to be reexamined. Go back and review some of the points above and see what is in your span of control to correct and improve. See if it helps! May you never stop giving up in trying to grow your "smallgroup" at home.
